Page 25 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 25



                                                           Imagine you are exchanging texts with a person you like
                                                           (your favourite star, your friend, your parents, your pet).

                   English and

               social sciences
                                                              CU later

                                                                                                     How RU?
                                                              I will do it

                                                                                                     UR my BFF
                                                             That’s funny.
                                                             I’m LOL

                                                           Prepare a text message dialogue using as many
                                                           abbreviations and emojis as possible. Present your text
                                                           conversation to your class.

                                                           •   Pens
                                                           •   Thin card
                                                           •   Smartphone printout

                                                           1   Write your conversation on the thin card.

                                                           2  Display your work on the wall.
                                                           3   Ask your classmates to read the conversation and say
                                                              what the abbreviations and emojis mean.

                    13   Read and listen. Answer the
                    questions in your notebook.
                    1 What do blind people use to understand

                        what they can’t see?
                    2   What is braille?
                    3   Who created braille and when?

                    4 What can a blind person use to write
                        a text on a computer?
                    5   What can a printer do for a blind person?

                     Explore Workbook, p. 18
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